How to create an AI powered chatbot using NextJS & OpenAI API ?



August 9, 2022

How to create an AI powered chatbot using NextJS & OpenAI API ?

Building an application that allows you and your users to discuss with an artificial intelligence has never been easier !

Through this very short tutorial, you will have your own AI powered website like this:

Get your OpenAI API key

Assuming you have the beta access to OpenAI, visit this page to get your key. It will be useful for the next part.

Setting up the project

Get the template

Source code here : Github Repo (OpenSource).

Clone the repo and go to the .env.example file to put your OpenAI API key.

Then, rename the file by removing the .example part.

Try it out !

Start your server by writing the command below and open your browser to localhost .

npm install npm run dev

The end

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